Head to Head Tool Reviews: Not sure which tool is best for you? Having a hard time deciding which Brand offers the best performance?
Look no further than our Head to Head Tool Reviews here on Tool Box Buzz. A team of contractors and carpenters led by Rob Robillard and Todd Fratzel pit some of the best tools on the market head to head and give you detailed feedback.
Each head to head tool review starts off with specifically designed tests that allow us to showcase the tool in real world applications. During the testing we typically have 5-7 individuals with varying backgrounds use the tools so we can develop a matrix of results and opinions on the tools performance.
The results are used to develop our head to head tool reviews where we compare topics like: Ergonomics, Price/Value, Speed, Power, Accessories, Durability and Performance.

Our goal is to offer you a relative comparison of similar tools so you can make a decision about which tool is best for you. We're always looking for ideas so feel free to send us a note if there's a head to head tool review you'd like to see us do next!
By Scott Arnold
Best Cordless Reciprocating Saw (36V-60V) Head-To-Head Piggybacking off of our recent Best 18-24 volt Cordless Reciprocating Saw Head-to-Head, we wanted to bring out the big boys. We put high-capacity reciprocating saws, ranging from 36 to 60 volts up against each other to crown the Best “High Capacity” Cordless Reciprocating Saw. Cordless Reciprocating Saw Line Up […]
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By Scott Arnold
Best 18V-24V Cordless Reciprocating Saw Head-To-Head |2022 Over 70 years ago (1951 to be exact) Milwaukee Tools introduced the first reciprocating saw called the SAWZALL. Since then technology has advanced dramatically. Currently, there is a plethora of full-size cordless reciprocating saws that are being used on millions of job sites every day! Demolition contractors, plumbers, […]
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By Rob Robillard
Cordless Lawn Mower Head-To-Head | 2022 Like Ricky Bobby says ” If you ain’t first then you’re last.” While we love the spirit of that statement, we feel that does not hold true when it comes to the Best Cordless Mower. We feel that there is a place for cordless mowers, whether it is in a small […]
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By Rob Robillard
Cordless Rear Handle Circular Saw Head-to-Head 2022 What is the advantage of a rear handle circular saw? One of them is the extended reach you get, which is extremely helpful when cross-cutting sheet goods or long rips on framing lumber, the other is power. This Head-to-Head is the third and final in-depth review on cordless […]
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By Rob Robillard
6-1/2″ Circular Saw Head to Head | 2022 Commonly referred to as a “Trim Saw” the 6-1/2″ cordless circular saw is useful for more than just cutting trim. Most 6-1/2″ saws have a blade-left design which many trim carpenters feel offers a better line of sight, ensuring accurate cutting. They’re the same tool as their […]
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By Rob Robillard
7-1/4″ Circular Saw Head to Head | 2022 Legend has it that a Shaker Woman in Harvard Massachusetts named Tabitha Babbitt saw two men struggling with a pit saw and decided to come up with a better option, inspired by her spinning wheel. She made a smaller prototype and eventually the design was enlarged for […]
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By Wes Bartosik
Cordless Mid-Torque Impact Wrench Head-2-Head In standard fashion, the Tool Box Buzz crew got together to plan out our Head-2-Head tests based on new tool releases and your feedback. And Cordless Mid-Torque Impact Wrenches were near the top of our list. The impact wrench is an incredibly versatile tool that provides unparalleled torque and power […]
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By Rob Robillard
Cordless Oscillating Multi-tool – Comparison Testing 2021 The ToolBoxBuzz Crew recently looked at twelve major brands of multi-tools and carefully planned a range of uniquely crafted tests (with some sweet custom jigs) to determine which one was the “Best Cordless Oscillating Multi-tool.” An oscillating multi-tool is a saw, scraper, sander, and grinder. The tool, as […]
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By Rob Robillard
Best Cordless Barrel Grip Jigsaw – Comparison Testing As we recently pointed out, we love jigsaws for their ability to quickly and seamlessly customize shapes and sizes of lumber or trim. We recently had the chance to finish round 1 of our Best D-Handle Jigsaw Head-to-Head featuring a variety of battery-powered D-handled jigsaws. But D-handle […]
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By Rob Robillard
Best Cordless Jigsaw – Comparison Testing A jigsaw is worth it’s weight in gold due to the ability to quickly customize shapes and sizes of lumber for seamless fit-ups and emergency fixes. When our team of PROs got together recently to plan out our newest Head-2-Head, cordless jigsaw competition, we knew our PRO followers and […]
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